Alessandro Mastroianni

Recording... a huge amount of LEGO

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A couple of months ago Emmett, the brilliant mind behind Pulse Audio and a few other great brands, got in touch with me to ask if I could produce a sample library for them. I asked what he had in mind and he said: Lego!

I was confused at first but said “hell yeah” right away, and we did it! It was a super fun experience and I’m pretty confident this was the first time Lego bricks have been recorded with a ton of microphones (including Neumann U87, a couple of AKG 414, a Royer 122, an ultrasonic microphone, a few contact microphones…) and several API and Neve preamps.

Overkill? Maybe. Cool? Most definitely.

I also had to drive around Edinburgh to collect the 24 kg (!) of second-hand Lego I purchased from different people.

All Neve and API signal path

Neve and API preamps

I can’t wait for this to be out!

We finished editing a few weeks ago and I got to use the sources to design cinematic sound design assets, drum kits and a bunch of loops that will be included in the library.

Fun fact: I went to the same studio two weeks later to record another project and even if we spent one hour cleaning up, they said they kept finding bricks in unthinkable places every single day after we left.

No one is going to walk barefoot in that studio ever again!

Ready to capture 24 kg of Lego bricks.

Lego bricks on a snare drum. Nothing to see here.
